Sunday, 5 October 2008

Design Your Life - Week One

I've had my FIL staying for a few days, so haven't managed to do any challenges this weekend, although I did manage to get one of my LOs done for the first week of Cathy Zielske's class. This week is all about symmetrical balance. We have been given a couple of sketches to use, which I find invaluable when I'm struggling for inspiration. Anyway, one down and one to go!


  1. oh this is lovely Michele-really balanced-simple and elegant, (and you have a mouth LOL!!!!!!!!).

  2. this is a lovely LO, really great Tx

  3. Fab layout Michele and great photos

  4. Found them - and you! Knew you must be posting your CZ work somewhere = woke up this morning remembering you now have a blog, and I've come to see (dripping hair and dressing gown!). Lovely, lovely LO - and a great photo of you. Nice to see you centre stage!
    x alexa

  5. Lovely LO & don't you look cool in those sunglasses!

